Hi everyone.  Sorry it’s been kind of quiet around here.  I’ve been in summer mode and haven’t done much writing.  I just got back from a hike with my daughter through the High Divide – Seven Lakes Trail in Olympic National Park (see above pic) and the hike got me thinking about some of the research I’ve read on surviving in the wilderness.

A common thread running through most survival stories is the idea of decision drift.  Most times you don’t just make one terrible decision that puts you into a “Do or Die” scenario.  Rather, you make a series of small decisions that get you further and further from where you need to be until you come to the sudden realization that you are lost or in trouble.  The sense of panic that accompanies that realization often causes people to make more irrational decisions that get them deeper into trouble. 

Decision Drift and Retirement

Decision drift isn’t exclusive to back country hiking.  It can affect you on your path to retirement as well.  Most of us do a pretty good job avoiding those colossally bad decisions that can derail our life.  We’re less good at those myriad small decisions that seem unimportant at the time but, when taken cumulatively, can derail our life or get us far from where we want to be.  Those decisions can greatly affect our relationships, health, financial well-being and opportunities and we often make them without a lot of intention because:

  • We think they’re unimportant
  • We feel pressured or tempted
  • We’re temporarily willing to compromise
  • We’re unclear on what we want
  • We haven’t considered the consequences
  • We failed to decide so someone else is deciding for us

All of those little decisions/indecisions can quietly lead you away from the life you want to live.  You  wake up one day and realize you’re lost.  You ask yourself: “Where am I?  How did I get here?  Whose life am I living anyway?”  Avoid that sinking feeling by recognizing that those little decisions are big.  Pay attention to them and course correct as needed.  Never forget that most decisions – big or small – are directional. They lead you toward certain things/people/experiences/opportunities and away from others.  Don’t take them lightly.  Be intentional with your decisions so they take you where you want to go.

Be Intentional,


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