Recent Articles
Nothing gold can stay: A brief reflection on losing my childhood home
I grew up in a house that my father built. He and my grandfather cleared the land, dug the basement, laid the blocks and framed the walls. He did the plumbing (he was a plumber by trade), the electrical, the finish carpentry, the painting and...
Don’t underestimate the power of small wins.
Research shows that most people have abandoned their New Year’s Resolutions by now. I’m even worse. I haven’t made mine yet! Life has been so busy the last few months, I haven’t yet finished my typical annual review and set my goals for the year. So I’m doing that...
Navigating Life’s Transitions (Part 2): Understanding and overcoming challenges so you can make the most of your next chapter.
We dropped our daughter off at college (she’s been doing great) and that means that my wife and I are now officially empty nesters. In my last post, I discussed the emotions that accompany major life transitions like empty nesting or retirement. Today let’s look at...
Retirement is more than a number.

“I can sleep at night”

“I have a reason to get up in the morning”

“I have a secure and fulfilling life”
Unfortunately, most people don’t know if they’re on track for retirement (money) or have a clear idea of what to do when they get there (meaning). That’s a problem.
The articles and resources at Intentional Retirement can help you plan for both money and meaning so you can retire with security and purpose. Enter your email below to get a free copy of our eBook “50 Essentials for Retirement Success” as well as new articles when they’re published. (Note: All information at this site is general in nature and is not intended as advice for your specific situation.)
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Who writes this thing?
Hi there! My name is Joe Hearn and I’m a writer, newspaper columnist, and financial planner. I’ve been helping people plan for retirement for more than 20 years and I created Intentional Retirement for anyone looking to move beyond the conventional so they can live an intentional, meaningful life. If that resonates with you, enter your email above and join thousands of others who are intent on retiring TO something rather than FROM something.